McKelvey Associates

Coaching, Supervision, Mentoring, Facilitation

Stress Reduction

Stress, among other things, is “a disturbing physiological or psychological influence which produces a state of severe tension in an individual”. … a feeling of being out of control or not in synch or balance with things. Continue Reading...

Questions or Answers

Questions or answers? Which would you rather have; the appropriate questions or the right answer?

I would venture to say that the majority of you answered “the right answer”. And that is not surprising considering that is the way we learned. Continue Reading...

How to Avoid Burnout

I think we can all agree that times are tough and may be getting even tougher. And the tough times continually are thrown up in our faces. We read about it in the papers, and hear it on the news, and talk about it among our work colleagues and friends. The sad thing is that if we continue to focus intently on the bad and tough times we will be dragged down by it. As I have said in other articles “we get what we focus on”. Continue Reading...

The Art of Goal Setting

When I talk about goal setting I am talking about setting goals that will accomplish things that you want to accomplish; goals that you set for yourself so that you will be successful…whatever success means to you. A goal is a specific measureable result that you achieve in a determined time frame. Some people refer to goals as dreams with a time stamp. It may apply to areas in your life such as career, financial, health, spiritual, personal, community, or family. The important thing is that the goals need to be related to your priorities. They need to be related to what you value in life to have a fighting chance of being achieved. Continue Reading...

Defeating Inertia

Have you ever had bouts of inertia? Was it a good thing or bad thing? I’m sure that all of us have experienced periods of inertia. Some perhaps for long periods of time and some for short periods. Kind of like procrastination. Continue Reading...

Be Yourself, Everybody Else is Taken

The art of being yourself at your best is the art of unfolding your personality into the person you want to be. . . . Be gentle with yourself, learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others.
Wilfred Peterson Continue Reading...

Maintaining Motivation

Personally, I don’t believe that you can motivate people. Inspire them, yes; but motivate them, no. Motivation comes from within whereas inspiration comes from outside. Motivation, as defined by the Macqaurie Dictionary is 1) a providing of a motive; inducement  2) purpose, drive. (internal) Inspiration, on the other hand, is defined as 1) a thing or person that inspire 2) a result of inspired activity 3) an inspiring or animating action or influence. (external) Continue Reading...

Heaven & Hell

I’m not a particularly religious individual but recently I was reminded about heaven and hell. Most of you reading this will think of heaven and hell as something for the after life. The concept being that heaven is good and hell is not pleasant. Continue Reading...

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I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said, "I don't know."